Canons Park

The Canons Park neighbourhood area is located just to the west of Edgware and the east of Stanmore. The neighbourhood also stretches down south to Queensbury and stops just short of the underground station there. The main roads cross the area east-west, leading from Edgware to Stanmore, though there are two main north-south routes just outside the neighbourhood at either end. The area is predominantly suburban housing, with the housing stock being high quality, though not lavish. A large portion of the area consists of green spaces, including the eponymous Canons Park, and Chandos Recreation Ground, but also smaller fields such as the Barnet Football Club grounds, and the Hive stadium. A seven-acre lake and accompanying duck pond also exist to the north of the neighbourhood. Edgware town centre is just to the east, with a large shopping centre and a range of modern amenities. The area thus exists as an in-between location to the modern and built-up Edgware compared to the leafier Stanmore.

Canon Park’s name derives from its former landowners – the Canons of the Priory of St. Bartholomew the Great, who were given six acres of land here in the 14th century. James Brydges, the first Duke of Chandos created an extremely lavish palatial mansion on the park; complete with an orchestra which accompanied his meals. The mansion would survive for less than three decades before being replaced by a more modest estate. The area would be bought by Arthur du Cros, founder of the Dunlop Rubber Company, and later by the North London Collegiate School and the Canons Park Estate Company. Today the park has reduced in size, though Harrow Council has restored some of the historical features in the last few years.

Maureen Lipman lived in Canons Park for a period of time. Trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, she worked in the theatre after graduation, debuting in a stage production at the Palace Theatre. Acting in a few plays, she gained fame on television in the sitcom Agony, where she played an agony aunt. Since then, she has been a prominent media figure, appearing in shows like The News Quiz, This Week and Have I Got News for You; as well as the BBC documentary series Comedy Map of Britain. Maureen Lipman was nominated as Best Supporting Actress for The Pianist at the Polish Film Awards, where she played the mother of Adrien Brody’s character, Wladyslaw Szpilman.

Canons Park actually has a history dating back to Roman times, where tile making was said to have taken place – in particular, it was a production centre for the official tiles for the provincial procurator’s office. Indeed, the Church of St. Lawrence Whitchurch, a landmark in the area, has Roman tiles incorporated into its medieval tower.

The Duke of Chandos had immense wealth, which he flaunted. His sudden rise to riches were explained by papers showing that he engaged in insider trading (specifically when he was Paymaster of the Forces Abroad) and took bets on when certain towns would fall on certain dates. Furthermore, he exploited fluctuations in exchange rates, and has been said to have engaged in corruption during his time in office.

Canons Park has limited commercial activity within its area, with businesses which do exist being primarily chain stores. Predominantly residential, Canons Park has a stereotypical residential vibe, with far walks in between services or community centres. However, residents praise the numerous green spaces in Canons Park, good access to shopping centres outside the neighbourhood, as well as decent public transportation links to central London, which mitigate these downsides.

The area is governed by the Canons Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy, drafted by Harrow Council. The document aims to preserve the area’s greenery, openness and high-quality architecture, in particular Canons Park itself. As such, the area’s character is protected, and any new development in the area would need to adhere to the Tudor Metroland design. Furthermore, the strategy seeks to extend the archaeological priority area, in particular around the current mansion and estate. Nearby, Hillgrove House was also recently redeveloped on Edgware High Street and will contain 20 new flats.