Newton Farm

This neighbourhood is a diverse suburban pocket of north west London. Home to a high proportion of Hindu Londoners, the area’s main road, Alexandra Avenue, boasts multiple highly rated Indian eateries such as vegetarian favourite, Saravanaa Bhavan. In addition to delicious restaurants, local residents benefit from the number of lush green spaces in the neighbourhood. Whether it’s Newton Park East, Newton Park West, or nearby Roxbourne Park, there are so many options with regards to spots to relax or go for a jog. When it comes to houses, the residences might not be quite as large as those in other parts of Harrow, but many of the family homes do still have their own gardens. With all that the neighbourhood has to offer, in addition to its relatively affordable real estate, it’s no wonder that families love the area.

The area around Rayners Lane gets its name from the Rayner family who lived in the neighbourhood in the early 1800s. Although they were not originally property owners, they eventually acquired land after working for a local farmer in exchange for tenancy. Later on, when the railway arrived, some development picked up, but due to the distant location, it was slow. Eventually, following the Second World War, prominent house-builder TF Nash, built more spaces for shops and homes, transforming it into the suburban village that we know today.

The area is famous for its art deco building that now serves as the Zoroastrian Centre. The building dates back to the 1930s, and was designed so that the front façade would look like an elephant’s trunk.

This neighbourhood was recently the site of a fatal shooting. The incident was believed to be connected to a gang dispute. Still, this is considered a one off, and the area actually ranks much lower than London when it comes to crime rates.

Harrow Council has plans to refurbish Newton Park West, which they been focusing on for a few years now. Many residents have already stated that the park has improved greatly, as it now boasts a newly formed wetland area with ponds and wild meadow, but there are additional plans to increase protections against flooding and restore the river.