South Weald

This area covers the western ward of Brentwood centre, up focusing on the village of South Weald and the smaller village of Coxtie Green. Brentwood West has the largest population of Brentwood’s wards at around 7,600 inhabitants, with 6,000 of those in the rural South Weald. South Weald has maintained its rural and countryside identity over the years, seen especially in the residential architecture. From up-market Georgian mansion-houses, to period cottages, apartment-blocks and cottages, South Weald and Brentwood West’s diversity is its strength!

South Weald has a long history, being officially recorded in the 1086 Domesday Book survey, with two manors and a population of 36. However, South Weald Camp hillfort indicates the presence of settlers from the Iron Age! By 1327, that number had increased to 49. South Weald grew significantly over the next three centuries. By 1801 South Weald’s population was 881, whilst Brentwood’s was 1107. Much like many other civil parishes, the epicentre of South Weald’s history lies in the manors and the construction of the parish church, St Peter’s, c. 1150. These medieval touches are still seen today in the church’s south door. South Weald ceased to be a civil parish in 1934, and was subsequently subsumed into Brentwood.

One of South Weald’s most striking features, is the Weald Country Park. This 700-year-old and 500-acre parkland is the heart of Brentwood West and South Weald. The contemporary layout traces back to the 18th century landscape architect and gardner Capability Brown, who designed the park from 1732-45. Brown’s famous style of rolling green pastures and winding river’s is seen in the architecture of the park today, coupled with the flourishes of woodland and abundant wildlife.

South Weald firmly seats on the London Green Belt zone. It’s rural identity and characteristics means that development is often slow, and often times, heavily protected. Resident’s are largely resistant to large-scale developments, and often reject planning proposals. Although Brentwood’s Adopted Local Plan includes wide-spread infrastrucural improvements borough-wide, no developments are coming to South Weald. Whilst development might be slow, the housing market still thrives, and there is a wide range of suburban housing on offer in the area!