Walton-on-Thames Delivery Office

This area covers postal codes and sectors operating from Royal Mail’s Walton-on-Thames Delivery Office, located on the Hersham Road in south Walton-on-Thames in northwest Surrey. The main post codes associated with this delivery office are attached to businesses who have PO boxes operating from the delivery office, for private and professional mailing communication streams. This delivery office services the KT12 2 postal sector.

Although a Royal Mail office, it is a not a traditional post office - therefore alternative services such as financial services offered by other Royal Mail branches are not available here - only the delivery and collection of mail items.

The opening times of the Walton-on-Thames delivery office may vary, with the closing collection times varying by up to 30 minutes. However, the opening times are listed as follows: Monday-Friday 08:00-10:00 and Saturday 08:00-12:00!