West Poplar

The postcode sector is more-or-less bounded by three lines to make a triangle – East India Dock Road to the south, Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach intersecting it perpendicular to the east, and the Limehouse Cut going at a diagonal from northeast to southwest. Running through the middle of the area vertically is Morris Road leading onto Chrisp Street (where Chrisp Street Market is), with the DLR line to Stratford parallel to the roads. West Poplar is particularly green, encompassing five decent-sized parks, with Bartlett Park being the largest, followed by Langdon Park. The area is primarily residential, apart from the southeast section on East India Dock Road, where the aforementioned Chrisp Street Market and other businesses are located. Only one DLR station (Langdon Park) formally exists in the neighbourhood, but All Saints DLR station is not far away from the area.

Limehouse Cut Canal in this neighbourhood is the oldest canal in London and one of the earliest built in England, opening in 1770. Much of the area’s history can be traced back to the canal, which was initially a fraction of the width it is today. The canal was gradually widened, and industry grew up around the area: pot ash works, limekilns and timber yards being the most common. This was only encouraged by the opening of Regent’s Canal and its ship lock west of Limehouse Cut. Shipments evolved from coal to chemicals, and abruptly stopped following the Second World War, where many of the buildings lining the canal were destroyed and subsequently redeveloped. Today the area is primarily residential buildings, with pleasant pathways on either side.

Spratt’s Complex started out as a pet food factory, named ‘Spratt’s Dog Biscuit Factory’. Currently a residential building, it was also inhabited at one point by Michael Green, a painter and sculptor, who set up a studio there. It was here where he first began sculpting, having moved out of his Manhattan studio back to London. He had once been in the theatre whilst in Manhattan but switched paths at the age of 36. He currently resides in London as well as Molini di Triora in Italy.

The BBC has recently started a new TV series named ‘Call the Midwife’, which is based of Jennifer Worth’s books, who worked in this neighbourhood as a midwife in the 1950s. The series depicts the conditions of post-war East End, both socially and physically.

The existence of thoroughfares in the area may make some worried about noise and congestion in the area. However, a local resident said that this was not a problem, as the area was generally quite quiet, with congestion occurring at most during peak hours, and only on the major roads to the south and east. The areas near Limehouse Cut, in particular, and a block beyond the eastern and southern roads, are serene throughout the week.

Poplar Harca and Telford Homes Plc began work on Chrisp Street Market in 2021. The regeneration will provide 650 new houses, a major supermarket, a revamped market square and other leisure opportunities. The market itself will be given a new canopy and be remodelled to allow for events during non-market days. The Aberfeldy Village residential development in the east of Poplar is also underway, with 900 homes already completed and more planned for construction in 2023.