Willowbrook Estate

This area sits in the Borough of Southwark, and is sandwiched in between Burgess Park and Old Kent Road to the north, and Peckham Road to the south, with Willowbrook Road running vertically through the middle of the postcode. Locals simply refer to the neighbourhood as North Peckham or Willowbrook Estate, which was the name of the 1960s housing estate which still comprises most of the area. Families can find plenty of schooling options in the area, such as Angel Oak Academy, which recently received an outstanding Ofsted rating. Despite only being steps away from the up and coming, Peckham Rye, this area has a rather quiet character and a strong sense of local community. Whether residents want to watch a rugby match in Burgess Park, or catch a lecture at the Wickway Community Centre, there are a plethora of reasons to stay around the neighbourhood on the weekend. Despite residents not being served by any tube or rail stations, there are multiple Overground lines that border the neighbourhood. An array of bus routes also means that, for any residents who do find reason to leave, Central London is just an easy trip away.

Peckham was originally home to a wealthy residential area in the 16th century, but by the 18th century it had been converted into a largely industrial and commercial neighbourhood. The area became home to many factories, which were later bombed during World War II. By the 1950s, in the factories’ places, Burgess Park, Southwark’s largest park, was developed as a part of the Abercrombie plan for open spaces. The park’s name was given in honour of Camberwell’s first female Mayor, Jessie Burgess. By the 1970s however, the neighbourhood had developed a reputation for crime and violence. This reputation worsened when in 2000, Peckham became home to one of London’s most shocking homicides – the killing of 10-year-old Damilola Taylor. Two young local gang members killed him while he was on his way home. Still, over the past 10 years, the neighbourhood has become more desirable to young professionals, due to its ongoing regeneration.

Famous football player, Rio Ferdinand, grew up in the neighbourhood, on the Friary housing estate. Having played professionally for both Manchester United and England, he is now a TV pundit who also works to help fund social housing near Luton. Another fun fact is that the famous short musical movie, We the Ragamuffin, was filmed on the North Peckham estate.

The Surrey Linear Canal Park is a feature of this area, and sits on the site of the old Surrey Canal running beneath many of the streets that run through the neighbourhood. Once used for transporting goods for shipping up to the Docks, it eventually became polluted and derelict, leading the Port of London Authority to drain it and fill the space with parkland.

Despite recent gentrification in surrounding neighbourhoods, North Peckham continues to be in the most deprived quintile nationally. Whilst regeneration of the housing estates has increased in pace, with the demolition of the North Peckham Estate shortly after the Taylor murder in 2000, some parts of the neighbourhood continue to struggle economically. Still, those who live there and grew up there love the diversity and village feel of the neighbourhood, with many taking part in community groups.

Southwark’s Five Estates Peckham Masterplan was expected to be completed in 2019 but its final phase is still in the planning stage as of 2022. The original master plan was outlined in 1995, and covered the Sumner, North Peckham, Willowbrook, Gloucester Grove, and Camden estates. Over the past 15 years, this regeneration project has already transformed the neighbourhood into one characterised by its art and cuisine, without sacrificing its historic shops and African markets. There is also a regeneration project currently planned around Peckham Rye station. Southwark Council claim that the project “will transform the narrow, dimly lit passageways that lead to the station into a generous, vibrant public square.” It will also increase the station’s capacity, allowing for more passengers and more platforms. The project was originally set to be completed in the autumn of 2020 but is currently still in the planning stage as of 2022.