Policy information sourced from the Brent Local Plan
BEGA1A Neasden Stations Growth Area
The area around the existing Neasden underground station and a potential West London Orbital overground station will be transformed. In addition to around 2000 homes, the area will through co-location of industrial and other commercial floorspace, provide a major boost to business and employment opportunities. This will deliver a new varied supply of neighbourhood friendly modern industrial premises, studios and managed workspaces for local business needs as well as other commercial space to support a mixed use community. Space will be provided for and the development will integrate with a potential new West London Orbital Station accommodated adjacent to Neasden Lane.
Tall buildings will be located close to the stations and along the south of the underground line whilst reducing in scale towards its residential edges. All developments will achieve the highest design standards. Energy efficient buildings using renewable energy and a district heating system will be delivered. Development will be supported by associated infrastructure which will be further drawn out by a masterplanning exercise including:
- Improvements to the public realm, cycling and walking routes along Neasden Lane between the two stations and the Church End and Neasden town centres;
- Provision of new public open spaces and improvements to the quality and accessibility of those existing such as on Dudden Hill Lane;
- A series of play areas within new developments and open space;
- Improvements to Neasden station’s accessibility and capacity.
For more information please see the Brent Local Plan