Assets Explained

Asset Explanation
Searches Depicts the number of times you can search WaInsight’s database
Basket Reports Notes the number of unique data you can save and download directly from WaInsight
Log Entries Saved Shows the number of Walulel Data and My Data search sessions we store and make available for you to export or revisit
Mile Leads IP Radius Explains how far around your location you can get leads for
Sub-Admin Account Explains how many people you can link to your account
My Datasets Shows the number of datasets you can upload to WaInsight so you can map, analyse or even compare them with our data
My Listings Shows the maximum number of property listings you can add to WaInsight
My Tracks Shows the maximum number of webpages (URLs) you can track through WaInsight
Hours of Consulting Time During the consulting time we can assist you with your searches and help you navigate the database