You can export a log entry by first saving it to the basket. To do so, you need to first decide whether you want to add the entry to an existing basket or create a new one. Depending on your choice you should toggle the relevant filter titled “Existing Basket Report” on or off. When switched on you should then select the Basket report from the drop down list. Once the report is selected you can start adding Log Entries by clicking the relevant “+” icon next to the log entry of interest.
If you would like to create a new report, you should first toggle the “Existing Basket Report” switch off. Then you should enter the title you would like your report to have in the field provided under the “Basket Title” label. After doing that you can start adding log entries to your basket report by clicking the relevant “+” icon next to each.
You can view and export each log saved to the basket by navigating to the “Basket” mode, selecting the log and clicking on the “Preview Basket” button located at the bottom.
Every time a new search starts or you change the parameters of the search (postcode and metric) we start a new log entry. In the log entry we register the information of the datasets (results panel) that you have viewed in detail and the Views (bottom bar) that you have accessed. You can then create a report using that information through the “Basket” mode or you can share your search through email or social media.
After you have entered all relevant logs to the basket, you should click on the “Preview Basket” button. From there you can deselect any information you do not wish to include in your final report. When you are done simply click “Generate Report” at the bottom of the right hand tab.